Counting to the end of the world

Counting to the end of the world

How big of a number is 64bit? Quite big as it turns out:

Why floats are illegal

Why floats are illegal

Let’s see why floats are traditionally avoided in embedded systems. In reverse in a system that does use them, removing them is a very good opportunity to save space when needed.

Going over the bus size

Going over the bus size

Let’s do the experiment of doing calculations bigger than the bus size of a modern microcontroller and see how bad the generated assembly code look.

Multitasking without an OS

Multitasking without an OS

Let’s see how to have multiple tasks inside of our micro controller without having to install an OS in it.

Structure packing in C | How to get memory for free

Structure packing in C | How to get memory for free

In 100% of the embedded projects I worked on, memory became an issue at some point. Either not enough RAM or not enough flash. Here we see an easy way to optimize our data structures in order to save space in memory at no cost...

Bus size and performances

Bus size and performances

Does doubling the number of bits of a microcontroller double its processing power? What does it mean this number of bits?

Embedded Mersenne Twister | RNG Part 3

Embedded Mersenne Twister | RNG Part 3

This time we have a look at how to leverage the true random we generated using a Mersenne Twister to generate a lot more random numbers.

Mixing and merging random sources | RNG Part 2

Mixing and merging random sources | RNG Part 2

Today we keep looking into how to generate random numbers in an embedded system by acquiring random information and having a look at how to merge the randomness of multiple sources into one.

Qualifying randomness | RNG Part 1

Qualifying randomness | RNG Part 1

Just started a series of videos explaining how to generate good random numbers in embedded systems without the need for a True Random Number Generator. In this first part, we have a look at how to qualify randomness and what makes good random.

While(1) vs for(;;) any difference ?

While(1) vs for(;;) any difference ?

I see more and more the for(;;) being used as an infinite loop, I was told it is a better way of doing an infinite loop but I am not sure why. We will see what is the difference between the two.

Arduino like a pro

Arduino like a pro

I do not like using the arduino IDE at all but I love saving time by not having to re-invent the wheel. In this video we see how to take advantage of the arduino libraries without having to endure the IDE that comes with it....

How to cheaply program a BMD-340 module using an st link V2

How to cheaply program a BMD-340 module using an st link V2

Trying to build a project without having to spend hundreds of dollars on gear that I wouldn’t need long term (namely for a j-link programmer) I had to figure out how to program my BMD-340 modules using what I had: an st link V2.